Materials Similar to Student-identified themes around computation in high school physics
- 49%: Teachers' intended learning outcomes around computation in high school physics
- 47%: Effects of Knowledge and Persuasion on High-School Students' Attitudes Toward Nuclear Power Plants
- 46%: From "truth" to "invented reality": A discourse analysis of high school physics students' talk about scientific knowledge
- 45%: Project Accelerate: Increasing STEM Opportunities for Underserved High School Students
- 43%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics
- 43%: Reading between the lines: lab reports help high school students develop abilities to identify and evaluate assumptions
- 42%: A Study of Peer Instruction Methods with High School Physics Students
- 42%: Correlating student interest and high school preparation with learning and performance in an introductory university physics course
- 42%: Gain in learning the force concept and change in attitudes toward Physics in students of the Tonala High School
- 41%: STEM Students’ Voluntary Use of YouTube to Learn Science Topics Taught in High School and/or College
- 40%: The Concept Map as a Tool for the Collaborative Construction of Knowledge: A Microanalysis of High School Physics Students
- 40%: A cross-age study of junior high school students' conceptions of basic astronomy concepts
- 40%: High school students' conceptual coherence of qualitative knowledge in the case of the force concept
- 39%: How attitudes and beliefs about physics change from high school to faculty
- 39%: A New Tool for Measuring Student Behavioral Engagement in Large University Classes
- 39%: Using multiple survey questions about energy to uncover elements of middle school student reasoning
- 39%: Visualizing patterns in CSEM responses to assess student conceptual understanding
- 39%: Resource Letter RBAI-2: Research-based assessment instruments: Beyond physics topics
- 39%: Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course