Materials Similar to Instructional Pragmatism: Using a variety of evidence-based approaches flexibly to improve learning
- 35%: Experiences of new faculty implementing research-based instructional strategies
- 35%: How Physics Teachers Model Student Thinking and Plan Instructional Responses When Using Learning-Progression-Based Assessment Information
- 34%: Use of research-based instructional strategies: How to avoid faculty quitting
- 31%: Learning to Think Like a Physicist: A Review of Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- 31%: Use of research-based instructional strategies in introductory physics: Where do faculty leave the innovation-decision process?
- 30%: Investigative Science Learning Environment: Using the processes of science and cognitive strategies to learn physics
- 29%: Supporting learning and promoting conceptual change with box and AVOW diagrams. Part 1: Representational design and instructional approaches
- 28%: Using the Resources of the Student at the Urban, Comprehensive University to Develop an Effective Instructional Environment
- 27%: Examining the diffusion of research-based instructional strategies using social network analysis: A case study of SCALE-UP
- 26%: Using action research to improve learning and formative assessment to conduct research
- 26%: Moving toward change: Institutionalizing reform through implementation of the Learning Assistant model and Open Source Tutorials
- 26%: Using asynchronous communication to support virtual faculty learning communities
- 26%: Why Do Faculty Try Research Based Instructional Strategies?
- 26%: Technology And Instructional Reform In STEM Education: Beyond the Classroom
- 25%: Using the Microcomputer-Based Laboratory to Improve Student Conceptual Understanding in Physics
- 24%: Learning about Student Learning in Intermediate Mechanics: Using Research to Improve Instruction
- 24%: Faculty Perspectives On Using Peer Instruction: A National Study
- 24%: Using the Tutorial Approach to Improve Physics Learning from Introductory to Graduate Level
- 23%: Variables that Correlate with Faculty Use of Research-Based Instructional Strategies