Materials Similar to An Investigation of Degree Pathways for Students of Color with Transfer Credits
- 34%: Equity investigation of attitudinal shifts in introductory physics
- 33%: Believe that they can achieve: How Teacher Attitudes Toward Physics Impact Student Outcomes
- 30%: Using the Resources of the Student at the Urban, Comprehensive University to Develop an Effective Instructional Environment
- 30%: Educational debts incurred by racism and sexism in students’ beliefs about physics
- 29%: Investigation of male and female students’ motivational characteristics throughout an introductory physics course sequence
- 29%: Researching experiences in a cohort program to influence transfer self-efficacy
- 28%: Relationship between students' conceptual knowledge and study strategies-part I: student learning in physics
- 28%: Assessing College Students' Retention and Transfer From Calculus to Physics
- 28%: Identifying barriers to ethnic/racial minority students’ participation in graduate physics
- 26%: Students' views of physics in combined degrees
- 26%: Investigation of Student Understanding of the Wave-Like Properties of Light and Matter
- 26%: Improving students’ understanding of quantum measurement. I. Investigation of difficulties
- 26%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 26%: Using student-generated content to engage students in upper-division quantum mechanics
- 26%: Who does physics? Understanding the composition of physicists through the lens of women of color and LGBTQ+ women physicists
- 26%: “Success Together”: Physics departmental practices supporting LGBTQ+ women and women of color
- 26%: Strong preference among graduate student teaching assistants for problems that are broken into parts for their students overshadows development of self-reliance in problem-solving
- 25%: Critical Classroom Structures for Empowering Students to Participate in Science Discourse
- 25%: The impact of extra credit incentives on students’ work habits when completing online homework assignments