Materials Similar to Question Characteristics and Students’ Epistemic Framing
- 62%: Physics students' epistemic framings for a conceptual test question
- 51%: Identifying characteristics of pairs of questions that students answer similarly
- 49%: Qualitative Analysis of Students' Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor's Interaction
- 48%: Mapping university students’ epistemic framing of computational physics using network analysis
- 48%: Using cueing from question pairs to engage students in reflective thinking: An exploratory study
- 48%: Using student-generated content to engage students in upper-division quantum mechanics
- 47%: An Epistemic Framing Analysis of Upper-Level Physics Students' Use of Mathematics
- 47%: Pilot Testing Dichotomous Classification Questions for Assessing Student Reasoning
- 47%: Student Behavior and Epistemological Framing: Examples from Collaborative Active-Learning Activities in Physics
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- 44%: Gender Differences in Student Responses to Physics Conceptual Questions Based on Question Context
- 43%: Student expectations in a group learning activity on harmonic motion
- 43%: Assessing students’ epistemic logic using clause topics during problem comparison
- 43%: Learning about the Energy of a Hurricane System through an Estimation Epistemic Game
- 43%: Multiple Representations and Epistemic Games in Introductory Physics Exam Solutions
- 43%: How prompting force diagrams discourages student use of adaptive problem-solving shortcuts
- 43%: Student evaluation of more or better experimental data in classical and quantum mechanics
- 42%: Using Johnson-Laird's cognitive framework of sense-making to characterize engineering students' mental representations in kinematics