Materials Similar to Extending Learning Beyond the Planetarium with the Dome+ Model
- 39%: A revision of a traditional astronomy course through active learning
- 38%: Using the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory to Investigate College students' Pre-instructional Mental Models of Lunar Phases
- 38%: Accounting for Errors in Model Analysis Theory: A Numerical Approach
- 36%: Conceptual astronomy: A novel model for teaching postsecondary science courses
- 36%: Student ideas about the moon and its phases and the impact of a real 3D model of the Sun/Earth/Moon system in an introductory astronomy laboratory course
- 34%: From ‘having a day’ to doing astronomy: Supporting families learning together
- 33%: Research on a Lecture-Tutorial Approach to Teaching Introductory Astronomy for Non–Science Majors
- 31%: Moving toward change: Institutionalizing reform through implementation of the Learning Assistant model and Open Source Tutorials
- 31%: Extending positive CLASS results across multiple instructors and multiple classes of Modeling Instruction
- 31%: How Physics Teachers Model Student Thinking and Plan Instructional Responses When Using Learning-Progression-Based Assessment Information
- 31%: The Learning Assistant model and DFW rates in introductory physics courses
- 31%: A framework for classifying opportunities to learn in Faculty Online Learning Communities: A preview with sample application