Materials Similar to Physics Inventory of Quantitative Literacy: A tool for assessing mathematical reasoning in introductory physics
- 48%: Using psychometric tools as a window into students’ quantitative reasoning in introductory physics
- 39%: The Need for a Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory for Assessing Innovations in Introductory Astronomy Survey Courses
- 37%: The Precalculus Concept Assessment: A Tool for Assessing Students’ Reasoning Abilities and Understandings
- 36%: The Force Concept Inventory: A tool for monitoring student learning
- 35%: Development of a Mechanics Reasoning Inventory
- 35%: Development of a concept inventory to assess students' understanding and reasoning difficulties about the properties and formation of stars
- 35%: Student Reasoning Regarding Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics in an Introductory Physics Course
- 35%: Development of an Introductory Physics Problem-Solving Assessment Tool
- 35%: The Wave Concepts Inventory - An Assessment Tool for Courses in Electromagnetic Engineering
- 35%: Analyzing Calculus Concept Inventory Gains in Introductory Calculus
- 33%: Introductory thermal concept evaluation: assessing students' understanding
- 31%: Assessing student written problem solutions: A problem-solving rubric with application to introductory physics
- 31%: Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course
- 31%: Developing the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory
- 30%: Force concept inventory
- 30%: Assessing students’ conceptual knowledge of electricity and magnetism
- 29%: FCI normalized gain, scientific reasoning ability, thinking in physics, and gender effects
- 29%: Quantifying critical thinking: Development and validation of the physics lab inventory of critical thinking