Materials Similar to Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice, 3rd Edition
- 51%: The Theory and Practice of Culturally Relevant Education
- 48%: An Overview on Research on Gender and Under-Represented Ethnicities in Physics Education
- 45%: Examining intersectionality and inclusivity in geosciences education research: A synthesis of the literature 2008–2018
- 39%: “Success Together”: Physics departmental practices supporting LGBTQ+ women and women of color
- 38%: How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
- 36%: Transfer of Learning through Gender and Ethnicity
- 34%: Physics teachers’ framings of the relationship between equity and antiracism
- 34%: Societal Educational Debts Due to Racism and Sexism in Calculus-based Electricity and Magnetism Courses
- 34%: Frameworks to enhance inclusion in physics education: everyone must participate
- 33%: Understanding the Co-Construction of Inquiry Practices: A Case Study of a Responsive Teaching Environment
- 33%: Understanding Women's Gendered Experiences in Physics and Astronomy Through Microaggressions
- 33%: Investigating Physics Faculty’s Reasoning about Inequities in Undergraduate Physics Education
- 33%: Systemic Change: TEAM-UP and Beyond
- 32%: Pedagogy of the Oppressed
- 31%: Characterizing practices and resources for inclusive physics learning
- 31%: Who does physics? Understanding the composition of physicists through the lens of women of color and LGBTQ+ women physicists
- 31%: Finding meaning in science: Lifeworld, identity, and self
- 31%: Teaching about Inequity: Shifts in Student Views about Diversity in Physics
- 31%: Demographics of physics education research