Materials Similar to Fitting in to Move Forward
- 50%: Gender bias in the force concept inventory?
- 47%: Gender gap on concept inventories in physics: What is consistent, what is inconsistent, and what factors influence the gap?
- 43%: Negative impacts of an unwelcoming physics environment on undergraduate women
- 42%: Significant Reduction in Gender Grade Disparities in a Reformed Introductory Physics Course
- 42%: Gender differences in the use of an online homework system in an introductory physics course
- 42%: Characterizing the gender gap in introductory physics
- 42%: How a gender gap in belonging contributes to the gender gap in physics participation
- 42%: Variations in Patterns of Persistence
- 41%: Introductory Physics Gender Gaps: Pre- and Post-Studio Transition
- 41%: Unpacking Gender Differences in Students’ Perceived Experiences in Introductory Physics
- 41%: Gender disparities in second-semester college physics: The incremental effects of a "smog of bias"
- 41%: Preliminary investigation of instructor effects on gender gap in introductory physics
- 41%: Reducing the FCI Gender Gap
- 41%: Understanding Women's Gendered Experiences in Physics and Astronomy Through Microaggressions
- 41%: The Impacts of Instructor and Student Gender on Student Performance in Introductory Modeling Instruction Courses
- 41%: Exposure to Underrepresentation Discussion: The Impacts on Women’s Attitudes and Identities
- 41%: The impact of stereotype threat on gender gap in introductory physics
- 39%: Gender Differences in Conceptual Understanding
- 39%: Success is a puzzle: Sorting out the pieces with metaphor analysis