Materials Similar to Evaluación del entendimiento de ondas mecánicas utilizando un test de opción múltiple en español
- 28%: Exploring the structure of misconceptions in the Force Concept Inventory with modified module analysis
- 28%: Gender fairness within the Force Concept Inventory
- 27%: A Classical Test Theory Analysis of the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory National Study Data Set
- 27%: Analysis to Develop Computerized Adaptive Testing with the Force Concept Inventory
- 26%: Validity evaluation of the Lawson classroom test of scientific reasoning
- 25%: Mediational effect of prior preparation on performance differences of students underrepresented in physics
- 25%: Analyzing the measurement error from false positives in the Force Concept Inventory
- 24%: An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests
- 24%: Identifying a preinstruction to postinstruction factor model for the Force Concept Inventory within a multitrait item response theory framework
- 24%: Optimizing the length of computerized adaptive testing for the Force Concept Inventory
- 23%: Exploring the gender gap in the conceptual survey of electricity and magnetism
- 23%: Generating a growth-oriented partial credit grading model for the Force Concept Inventory
- 23%: Validated diagnostic test for introductory physics course placement
- 23%: Effect of students’ investigative experiments on students’ recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study
- 23%: Towards a learning progression of energy
- 22%: Item response theory analysis of the mechanics baseline test
- 22%: Analysis of Individual Test Of Astronomy STandards (TOAST) Item Responses
- 22%: Validation and analysis of the coupled multiple response Colorado upper-division electrostatics diagnostic
- 22%: Classical test theory and item response theory comparison of the brief electricity and magnetism assessment and the conceptual survey of electricity and magnetism