Materials Similar to Student resistance to active learning: do instructors (mostly) get it wrong?
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- 45%: Student experiences in traditional and active learning classrooms in introductory physics courses
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- 37%: Investigating the Relationship between Active Learning Task Characteristics and Student Success
- 37%: Variations in students’ epistemological beliefs towards physics learning across majors, genders, and university tiers
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- 36%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 36%: Sensitivity of Learning Gains on the Force Concept Inventory to Students’ Individual Epistemological Changes
- 36%: Student Satisfaction and Perceptions of Instructor Support in Studio Physics
- 36%: Student Behavior and Epistemological Framing: Examples from Collaborative Active-Learning Activities in Physics
- 36%: Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student assessments of learning achievement, perceived effectiveness of online recitations, and online laboratories