Materials Similar to Facework Solidarity, Approbation, and Tact
- 44%: Instructional Feedback I: The Interaction of Facework and Immediacy on Students' Perceptions of Instructor Credibility
- 36%: Valuing student ideas morally, instrumentally, and intellectually
- 36%: Making of epistemologically sophisticated physics teachers: A cross-sequential study of epistemological progression from preservice to in-service teachers
- 36%: College faculty support for grade 7-12 teaching careers: survey results and comparisons to student perceptions
- 35%: Characterization of Instructor and Student Behaviors in CURE and Non-CURE Learning Environments: Impacts on Student Motivation, Science Identity Development, and Perceptions of the Laboratory Experience
- 34%: Applying beliefs and resources frameworks to the psychometric analyses of an epistemology survey
- 34%: How attitudes and beliefs about physics change from high school to faculty
- 34%: Why it should be ‘and’ not ‘or’: Physics and music
- 34%: (Re)imagining success through photovoice: Highlighting a research and teaching strategy that could be useful in physics/STEM education
- 34%: Comparison of student and instructor reasons for using computation
- 34%: Student resistance to active learning: do instructors (mostly) get it wrong?
- 34%: To whom do students believe a growth mindset applies?
- 31%: Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics
- 31%: Benefits of Participating in Undergraduate Research in Science: Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions
- 31%: German university students’ views of nature of science in the introductory phase
- 31%: Views from students and professors in a nonmajor introductory physics course: What is interdisciplinarity?
- 30%: Constructing a Model of Physics Expertise
- 30%: Physics instructors’ views about supporting learner variation: Modifying the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory
- 30%: Strong preference among graduate student teaching assistants for problems that are broken into parts for their students overshadows development of self-reliance in problem-solving