Materials Similar to Cooperative learning: What makes group-work work?
- 56%: Investigating the role of student preparation on cooperative grouping in an active learning classroom
- 54%: Introduction of interactive learning into French university physics classrooms
- 52%: Social positioning in small group interactions in an investigative science learning environment physics class
- 52%: Effects of Informal Cooperative Learning and the Affiliation Motive on Achievement, Attitude, and Student Interactions
- 51%: Navigating moments of uncertainty and socio-emotional risks in small-group work
- 50%: Denoting and Comparing Leadership Attributes and Behaviors in Group Work
- 50%: Effectiveness of guided group work in graduate level quantum mechanics
- 50%: Frequent small group interactions improve student learning gains in physics: Results from a nationally representative pre-post study of four-year colleges
- 48%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 1: Group Versus Individual Problem Solving
- 48%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 48%: Physics Problem Solving in Cooperative Learning Groups
- 47%: The associations between conceptual learning, physics identity and social interdependence
- 46%: CUP: cooperative learning that works
- 46%: Cooperative Learning in Small Groups: Recent Methods and Effects on Achievement, Attitudes, and Ethnic Relations
- 44%: What makes a person a physicist? Learning Assistant and physics major views
- 44%: Student views of what counts as doing physics in the lab
- 44%: Identifying and Analyzing Actions of Effective Group Work
- 44%: Testing group composition within a studio learning environment
- 44%: They're not buying what we're selling: comparing student-requested supports with instructional practice during group work