Materials Similar to Identifying Academic Ableism: Case Study of a UDL-Learning Community Participant
- 34%: Obstacles for Learning Introductory College Physics in Japan: Identifying Factors from a Case Study
- 33%: Participants' perceptions of the Faculty Online Learning Community (FOLC) experience
- 31%: Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning
- 29%: Students Learning Problem Solving in Introductory Physics - Forming an Initial Hypothesis of Instructors' Beliefs
- 29%: A comparison study of pre/post-test and retrospective pre-test for measuring faculty attitude change
- 29%: Physics instructors’ views about supporting learner variation: Modifying the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory
- 29%: Student effort expectations and their learning in first-year introductory physics: A case study in Thailand
- 29%: Supporting faculty and staff to make better use of learning analytics data
- 29%: How social-media and web-accessible learning resources influence students’ experiences in a quantum physics course: A case study
- 28%: Relationship between students' conceptual knowledge and study strategies-part I: student learning in physics
- 28%: Respecting tutorial instructors' beliefs and experiences: A case study of a physics teaching assistant
- 28%: Making of epistemologically sophisticated physics teachers: A cross-sequential study of epistemological progression from preservice to in-service teachers
- 27%: Who Becomes a Physics Major? A Long-term Longitudinal Study Examining the Roles of Pre-college Beliefs about Physics and Learning Physics, Interest, and Academic Achievement
- 27%: Investigating Student Learning with Accessible Interactive Physics Simulations
- 27%: Einstein’s Redundant Triumph “Quantum Physics”: An extensive Study of Teaching /Learning Quantum Mechanics in College
- 26%: A case study of conceptual change in special relativity: the influence of prior knowledge in learning
- 26%: Examining physicists’ perspectives of career viability and knowledge of impairment
- 26%: A case study of cultural change: learning to partner with students
- 26%: Prospective elementary teachers’ perceptions of the processes of modeling: A case study