Materials Similar to Social Network Analysis of a Physics Faculty Online Learning Community
- 58%: Describing and Facilitating Productive Teaching Talk in a Faculty Online Learning Community
- 53%: An Analysis of Community Formation in Faculty Online Learning Communities
- 53%: A framework for classifying opportunities to learn in Faculty Online Learning Communities: A preview with sample application
- 52%: Participants' perceptions of the Faculty Online Learning Community (FOLC) experience
- 47%: Faculty Online Learning Communities to support physics teaching
- 44%: Department-level change: Using social network analysis to map the hidden structure of academic departments
- 44%: Using Social Network Analysis on classroom video data
- 44%: Faculty perceptions of grade 7-12 math and science teaching as a career: Evidence from a reduced-basis factor analysis of the PTAP.HE Instrument
- 44%: Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center
- 44%: Using asynchronous communication to support virtual faculty learning communities
- 44%: Characterizing active learning environments in physics: network analysis of Peer Instruction classroom using ERGMs
- 40%: Examining the diffusion of research-based instructional strategies using social network analysis: A case study of SCALE-UP
- 39%: Supporting faculty and staff to make better use of learning analytics data
- 39%: Confusion and representational practices as factors that sustain rich pedagogical discussions within faculty online learning communities
- 38%: The Roles of Engagement: Network Analysis in Physics Education Research
- 38%: Faculty perception insights obtained from faculty interviews during the development of the Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession in Higher Education (PTaP.HE) instrument
- 38%: Characterizing active learning environments in physics using network analysis and classroom observations
- 38%: Identifying Academic Ableism: Case Study of a UDL-Learning Community Participant
- 37%: CourseNetworking and community: Linking online discussion networks and course success