Materials Similar to ADH… Disorder? Discoveries on ADHD and physics learning from collaborative autoethnography
- 38%: When Is It Better to Learn Together? Insights from Research on Collaborative Learning
- 37%: Impact of an active learning physics workshop on secondary school students’ self-efficacy and ability
- 34%: Attitudes about science and conceptual physics learning in university introductory physics courses
- 34%: Using Collaborative Group Exams to Investigate Students’ Ability to Learn
- 34%: Measuring the Learning from Two-Stage Collaborative Group Exams
- 34%: How inclusiveness of learning environment predicts female and male students’ physics grades and motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses
- 33%: Sensitivity of Learning Gains on the Force Concept Inventory to Students’ Individual Epistemological Changes
- 33%: What makes a person a physicist? Learning Assistant and physics major views
- 33%: High School Science Experiences Associated to Mastery Orientation Towards Learning
- 33%: The Effect of Students’ Learning Orientations on Performance in Problem Solving Pedagogical Implementations
- 33%: Identifying Academic Ableism: Case Study of a UDL-Learning Community Participant
- 32%: Belonging, Success, Access, and Disruption: Physics Faculty Goals for Inclusive Learning Environments
- 30%: Using machine learning to understand physics graduate school admissions
- 30%: The associations between conceptual learning, physics identity and social interdependence
- 30%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics
- 30%: Introduction of interactive learning into French university physics classrooms
- 30%: Investigating Student Learning with Accessible Interactive Physics Simulations
- 30%: How the learning environment predicts male and female students’ motivational beliefs in algebra-based introductory physics courses
- 30%: Characterization of Instructor and Student Behaviors in CURE and Non-CURE Learning Environments: Impacts on Student Motivation, Science Identity Development, and Perceptions of the Laboratory Experience