Materials Similar to Group Random Call Can Positively Affect Student In-Class Clicker Discussions
- 51%: Does Displaying the Class Results Affect Student Discussion during Peer Instruction?
- 45%: Why Peer Discussion Improves Student Performance on In-Class Concept Questions
- 42%: Small-group discussion in physics: Peer interaction modes in pairs and fours
- 41%: Factors Influencing Middle School Students' Sense-Making Discussions during their Small-Group Investigations of Force/Motion
- 41%: Social positioning in small group interactions in an investigative science learning environment physics class
- 40%: Sharp Initial Disagreements Then Consensus in a Student Led Whole-Class Discussion
- 38%: Examining the Effectiveness of Clickers on Promoting Learning by Tracking the Evolution of Student Responses
- 38%: Development and validation of a sequence of clicker questions for helping students learn addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics
- 38%: Investigating students' course performance by groups' gender compositions
- 37%: Investigating how university students collaborate to compose physics problems through structured tasks
- 36%: In-class hierarchical team model as a no-cost strategy to improve student success: Integrated peer leadership program
- 35%: Frequent small group interactions improve student learning gains in physics: Results from a nationally representative pre-post study of four-year colleges
- 35%: SEI Clicker and Education Videos
- 35%: The effect of grading incentive on student discourse in Peer Instruction
- 35%: A Case Study: Novel Group Interactions through Introductory Computational Physics
- 35%: Whole class vs. small group settings for using animations in physics: Case study comparisons
- 35%: Student Performance and Perceptions of a Lecture-based Course Compared With the Same Course Utilizing Group Discussion
- 34%: A conceptual physics class where students found meaning in calculations