Materials Similar to Students' Expectations, Types of Instruction, and Instructor Strategies Predicting Student Response to Active Learning
- 52%: Reducing Student Resistance to Active Learning: Strategies for Instructors
- 47%: Relationship between students' conceptual knowledge and study strategies-part I: student learning in physics
- 47%: Students’ Expectations and Responses to Active Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Courses
- 47%: A comparison of student evaluations of instruction vs. students' conceptual learning gains
- 46%: Student resistance to active learning: do instructors (mostly) get it wrong?
- 42%: Systematic Literature Review of Students’ Affective Responses to Active Learning: Overview of Results
- 41%: Negative Student Response to Active Learning in STEM Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Underlying Reasons
- 40%: Student experiences in traditional and active learning classrooms in introductory physics courses
- 39%: Student effort expectations and their learning in first-year introductory physics: A case study in Thailand
- 39%: Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning
- 39%: How inclusiveness of learning environment predicts female and male students’ physics grades and motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses
- 39%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 38%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 38%: Teaching strategies predict instructors’ perceptions of their effectiveness in engaging students in introductory physics for life sciences courses
- 37%: How physics instruction impacts students’ beliefs about learning physics: A meta-analysis of 24 studies
- 37%: Impact of an active learning physics workshop on secondary school students’ self-efficacy and ability
- 37%: Students' Responses to Innovative Instructional Methods: Exploring Learning-Centred Methods and Barriers to Change
- 37%: Student Attitudes in the Transition to an Active-Learning Technology
- 37%: The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in large-enrollment college science classrooms