Materials Similar to Online test administration results in students selecting more responses to multiple-choice-multiple-response items
- 52%: Quantitatively ranking incorrect responses to multiple-choice questions using item response theory
- 43%: Detecting the influence of item chaining on student responses to the Force Concept Inventory and the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation
- 43%: Validity of Force Concept Inventory evaluated by students’ explanations and confirmation using modified item response curve
- 43%: Analysis of Individual Test Of Astronomy STandards (TOAST) Item Responses
- 41%: Item response theory analysis of the mechanics baseline test
- 40%: Multidimensional item response theory and the Force Concept Inventory
- 40%: Analyzing Multiple-Choice-Multiple-Response Items Using Item Response Theory
- 39%: Development of a multiple-choice problem-solving categorization test for assessment of student knowledge structure
- 38%: Linking and comparing short and full-length concept inventories of electricity and magnetism using item response theory
- 37%: An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests
- 37%: Replicating analyses of item response curves using data from the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation
- 36%: Validation and analysis of the coupled multiple response Colorado upper-division electrostatics diagnostic
- 36%: Classical test theory and item response theory comparison of the brief electricity and magnetism assessment and the conceptual survey of electricity and magnetism
- 36%: Identifying a preinstruction to postinstruction factor model for the Force Concept Inventory within a multitrait item response theory framework
- 36%: Force Concept Inventory-based multiple-choice test for investigating students' representational consistency
- 35%: The Effect of Question Order on Responses to Multiple-choice Questions
- 35%: FCI-based Multiple Choice Test for Investigating Students' Representational Coherence
- 35%: Creating an Instrument to Measure Student Response to Instructional Practices
- 35%: Examining students' understanding of electrical circuits through multiple-choice testing and interviews