Materials Similar to Investigating Gender Differences in Students’ Motivational Beliefs and Inclusiveness of the Learning Environment in Introductory Physics Courses for Bioscience Majors
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- 54%: How the learning environment predicts male and female students’ motivational beliefs in algebra-based introductory physics courses
- 52%: How perception of learning environment predicts male and female students’ grades and motivational outcomes in algebra-based introductory physics courses
- 51%: How learning environment predicts male and female students’ physics motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses
- 46%: Effect of gender, self-efficacy, and interest on perception of the learning environment and outcomes in calculus-based introductory physics courses
- 46%: Gender differences in students’ self-efficacy in introductory physics courses in which women outnumber men predict their grade
- 42%: Sex differences in physics learning and evaluations in an introductory course
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- 39%: Variations in students’ epistemological beliefs towards physics learning across majors, genders, and university tiers
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- 39%: Introductory students’ attitudes and approaches to Physics problem solving: Major, achievement level and gender differences
- 38%: Gender differences in the use of an online homework system in an introductory physics course
- 38%: Investigation of male and female students’ motivational characteristics throughout an introductory physics course sequence
- 38%: Prior preparation and motivational characteristics mediate relations between gender and learning outcomes in introductory physics
- 37%: Unpacking Gender Differences in Students’ Perceived Experiences in Introductory Physics
- 35%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 35%: The Impacts of Instructor and Student Gender on Student Performance in Introductory Modeling Instruction Courses
- 35%: Learning goals and perceived irrelevance to major within life science majors in introductory physics