Materials Similar to Reinventing physics for life-sciences majors
- 53%: Entropy and spontaneity in an introductory physics course for life science students
- 41%: Teaching physics to life science students - Examining the role of biological context
- 40%: Blending Physical Knowledge with Mathematical Form in Physics Problem Solving
- 39%: Learning goals and perceived irrelevance to major within life science majors in introductory physics
- 37%: Disciplinary authenticity: Enriching the reforms of introductory physics courses for life-science students
- 35%: Competency-Based Reforms of the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum: Integrating the Physical and Biological Sciences
- 34%: Chemical energy in an introductory physics course for the life sciences
- 34%: Language of Physics, Language of Math: Disciplinary Culture and Dynamic Epistemology
- 34%: Isolating approaches: How middle-division physics students coordinate forms and representations in complex algebra
- 34%: Mathematics in Physics Education
- 32%: Epistemological progress in physics and its impact on biology
- 32%: Investigating Learners' Epistemological Framings of Quantum Mechanics
- 31%: Attitudes of Life Science Majors Towards Computational Modeling in Introductory Physics
- 29%: The use of ACER to develop and analyze student responses to expectation value problems
- 29%: Understanding life science majors’ ideas about diffusion
- 29%: Perceived irrelevance and achievement goals: Two mindset variables within attitudinal experiences of life science majors in introductory physics
- 29%: Introductory students’ attitudes and approaches to Physics problem solving: Major, achievement level and gender differences
- 29%: ‘There’s a lot of learning going on but NOT much teaching!’: student perceptions of Problem Based Learning in science
- 29%: A Framework for Analyzing Interdisciplinary Tasks: Implications for Student Learning and Curricular Design