Materials Similar to Blending Physical Knowledge with Mathematical Form in Physics Problem Solving
- 44%: Characterizing the mathematical problem-solving strategies of transitioning novice physics students
- 41%: Towards an Understanding of How Students Use Representations In Physics Problem Solving
- 40%: An Overview of Physics Education Research on Problem Solving
- 39%: Resource Letter RPS-1: Research in problem solving
- 39%: Isolating approaches: How middle-division physics students coordinate forms and representations in complex algebra
- 38%: Knowledge organization and activation in physics problem solving
- 38%: Patterns of multiple representation use by experts and novices during physics problem solving
- 38%: A good diagram is valuable despite the choice of a mathematical approach to problem solving
- 37%: Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems
- 36%: The General Assessment of Problem Solving Processes and Metacognition in Physics Education
- 36%: Exploring the role of conceptual scaffolding in solving synthesis problems
- 36%: Effect of presentation style and problem-solving attempts on metacognition and learning from solution videos
- 36%: Surveying college introductory physics students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving
- 36%: Development of a multiple-choice problem-solving categorization test for assessment of student knowledge structure
- 35%: Reflection on Problem Solving in Introductory and Advanced Physics
- 35%: Promoting Problem-Solving Through Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials
- 34%: Surveying Turkish high school and university students’ attitudes and approaches to physics problem solving
- 34%: Graduate teaching assistants’ views of broken-into-parts physics problems: Preference for guidance overshadows development of self-reliance in problem solving
- 34%: Students’ difficulties with solving bound and scattering state problems in quantum mechanics