Materials Similar to The PULSE Vision & Change Rubrics, Version 1.0: A Valid and Equitable Tool to Measure Transformation of Life Sciences Departments at All Institution Types
- 24%: Resource Letter RBAI-1: Research-Based Assessment Instruments in Physics and Astronomy
- 20%: Resource Letter RBAI-2: Research-based assessment instruments: Beyond physics topics
- 19%: Reliability and Validity of an Introductory Physics Problem-Solving Grading Rubric
- 19%: Rubric Design For Separating The Roles Of Open-Ended Assessments
- 19%: Development of a Rubric for Improved Understanding of IPLS Curricula
- 18%: Time to Change
- 18%: Multiple roles of assessment in upper-division physics course reforms
- 18%: A New Tool for Measuring Student Behavioral Engagement in Large University Classes
- 17%: Re-thinking the Rubric for Grading the CUE: The Superposition Principle
- 17%: Using the Real-time Instructor Observing Tool (RIOT) for Reflection on Teaching Practice
- 17%: How the introduction of self-assessment rubrics helped students and teachers in a project laboratory course
- 17%: Pondering zeros: Uncovering hidden inequities within a decade of grades
- 17%: Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops.
- 17%: Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy to Enhance Student Learning in Biology
- 17%: Preliminary efforts to evaluate an initiative introducing computation across the undergraduate physics curriculum
- 17%: Learning Scientific Reasoning Skills May Be Key to Retention in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- 16%: Evaluating students’ performance on the FCI at a minority serving institution