Materials Similar to Collaborative sensemaking: The emergence of insights in a distributed knowledge system
- 42%: When Is It Better to Learn Together? Insights from Research on Collaborative Learning
- 35%: Peer interaction facilitates co-construction of knowledge related to quantum mechanics formalism and postulates
- 34%: Sensemaking and scientific modeling: Intertwined processes analyzed in the context of physics problem solving
- 32%: Equity and off-task discussion in a collaborative small group
- 31%: Examining student participation in two-phase collaborative exams through video analysis
- 31%: Effect of group type on group performance in peer-collaborated two-round physics problem solving
- 30%: Qualitative Analysis of Students' Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor's Interaction
- 28%: Reasoning Modes, Knowledge Elements and Their Interplay in Optics Problem-Solving
- 28%: A progression of pre-service teachers towards deep curricular knowledge (the Pieces model in Open Source Tutorials)
- 28%: Student sensemaking about inconsistencies in a reform-based introductory physics lab
- 27%: The Dynamics of Students' Behaviors and Reasoning during Collaborative Physics Tutorial Sessions
- 27%: Nurturing sensemaking of, through, and with a mathematical model
- 27%: The multimodal interactional work of having wonderful ideas
- 27%: Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction
- 27%: Investigating students’ mental models and knowledge construction of microscopic friction. I. Implications for curriculum design and development
- 27%: Comparison of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Groups and Peer Instruction in a Large Introductory Physics Course for Science Majors
- 27%: Recurring questions that sustain the sensemaking frame