Materials Similar to Mathematical Dimensions of Students' Use of Proportional Reasoning in High School Physics
- 55%: Documenting the use of expert scientific reasoning processes by high school physics students
- 48%: A Study of Peer Instruction Methods with High School Physics Students
- 47%: Relationships between concrete and formal operational physics concepts and the intellectual levels of high school students
- 46%: Influence of interactive videodisc instruction using simultaneous-time analysis on kinematics graphing skills of high school physics students
- 46%: Algorithms, visualization, and mental models: High school students' interactions with a relative motion simulation
- 46%: From "truth" to "invented reality": A discourse analysis of high school physics students' talk about scientific knowledge
- 46%: A cross-age study of senior high school students' conceptions of basic astronomy concepts
- 46%: A cross-college age study about physics students' conceptions of force in pre-service training for high school teachers
- 44%: Sociocultural Influences on Physics Students' Use of Proportional Reasoning in a Non-Western Country
- 44%: A cross-age study of junior high school students' conceptions of basic astronomy concepts
- 44%: A Comparative Study of the Cognitive and Metacognitive Differences between Modeling and Non-Modeling High School Physics Students
- 43%: Effect of explicit problem solving instruction on high school students' problem-solving performance and conceptual understanding of physics
- 43%: The Concept Map as a Tool for the Collaborative Construction of Knowledge: A Microanalysis of High School Physics Students
- 43%: Effects of Knowledge and Persuasion on High-School Students' Attitudes Toward Nuclear Power Plants
- 43%: Evaluation of high school Cambodian students’ comprehension of the projectile trajectory using the model analysis technique
- 42%: Students' interdisciplinary reasoning about "high-energy bonds" and ATP
- 42%: Reading between the lines: lab reports help high school students develop abilities to identify and evaluate assumptions
- 42%: Project Accelerate: Increasing STEM Opportunities for Underserved High School Students
- 42%: STEM Students’ Voluntary Use of YouTube to Learn Science Topics Taught in High School and/or College