Materials Similar to Learning to relate qualitative and quantitative problem representations in a model-based setting for collaborative problem solving
- 47%: Peer Collaboration in Solving Qualitative Physics Problems: The Role of Collaborative Talk
- 45%: Concept-based problem solving: Combining educational research results and practical experience to create a framework for learning physics and to derive effective classroom practices
- 42%: Using qualitative problem-solving strategies to highlight the role of conceptual knowledge in solving problems
- 41%: Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems
- 40%: Developing Understanding Through Confronting Varying Views: The Case of Solving Qualitative Physics Problems
- 39%: Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. I. Mapping the common core
- 39%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 39%: Identifying Student Difficulty in Problem Solving Process via the Framework of the House Model (HM)
- 39%: Use Of Structure Maps To Facilitate Problem Solving In Algebra-Based Physics
- 39%: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Proximal Goal Setting of Two Introductory Modeling Instruction Physics Students
- 39%: Using Reflection with Peers to Help Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies
- 39%: Relevance and responsibility: preliminary results from implementation of a cooperative problem solving model in a large introductory physics course
- 38%: Physics Problem Solving in Cooperative Learning Groups
- 38%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. II. Effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer
- 38%: Facilitating Students’ Problem Solving across Multiple Representations in Introductory Mechanics
- 38%: Facilitating Strategies for Solving Work-Energy Problems in Graphical and Equational Representations
- 37%: Concept-based problem solving: Making concepts the language of physics