Materials Similar to Student Understanding of Tunneling in Quantum Mechanics: Examining Interview and Survey Results for Clues to Student Reasoning
- 54%: Surveying students' understanding of quantum mechanics in one spatial dimension
- 49%: Exploring Student Understanding of Energy through the Quantum Mechanics Conceptual Survey
- 49%: Surveying Students’ Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
- 47%: Testing the development of student conceptual and visualization understanding in quantum mechanics through the undergraduate career
- 46%: Improving Students' Understanding of Quantum Mechanics
- 44%: Examining students' understanding of electrical circuits through multiple-choice testing and interviews
- 43%: Quantum Mechanics Survey (QMS)
- 41%: Assessing and improving student understanding of quantum mechanics
- 41%: Examining the Evolution of Student Ideas About Quantum Tunneling
- 40%: The Influence of Student Understanding of Classical Physics When Learning Quantum Mechanics
- 39%: Student understanding of quantum mechanics
- 39%: Development and results from a survey on students’ views of experiments in lab classes and research
- 38%: Student understanding in mechanics: A large population survey
- 38%: Examining the construction process: A study of changes in level 10 students' understanding of classical mechanics
- 38%: Student Difficulties in Understanding Probability in Quantum Mechanics
- 38%: Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern–Gerlach experiment
- 38%: Development of a concept inventory to assess students' understanding and reasoning difficulties about the properties and formation of stars
- 38%: Development and validation of a conceptual survey instrument to evaluate senior high school students’ understanding of electrostatics
- 38%: Effect of Essential Skills Practice on Student Understanding of Probabilities in an Upper-Division Quantum Mechanics Course