Materials Similar to Cooperative Learning in Small Groups: Recent Methods and Effects on Achievement, Attitudes, and Ethnic Relations
- 35%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 1: Group Versus Individual Problem Solving
- 35%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 35%: Physics Problem Solving in Cooperative Learning Groups
- 33%: Concepts first -- a small group approach to physics learning
- 30%: Cooperative Learning
- 28%: Small-Group Teaching
- 28%: Small-group discussion in physics: Peer interaction modes in pairs and fours
- 28%: Whole class vs. small group settings for using animations in physics: Case study comparisons
- 28%: Testing group composition within a studio learning environment
- 27%: Effect of in-class student - student interaction on the learning of physics in a college physics course
- 27%: Peer Instruction Problems: Introduction to the Method
- 27%: Cooperative group problem solving laboratories for introductory classes
- 27%: Synthesis of Research on Cooperative Learning
- 27%: Factors Influencing Middle School Students' Sense-Making Discussions during their Small-Group Investigations of Force/Motion
- 26%: An Investigation on the Effects of Using Interactive Digital Video in a Physics Classroom on Student Learning and Attitudes
- 26%: Physics Instruction That Facilitates Learning Among Underrepresented Groups
- 25%: CUP: cooperative learning that works
- 24%: An investigation on the effects of using interactive digital video in a physics classroom on student learning and attitudes