Materials Similar to Accounting for Errors in Model Analysis Theory: A Numerical Approach
- 44%: A Classical Test Theory Analysis of the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory National Study Data Set
- 41%: Model analysis of fine structures of student models: An example with Newton's third law
- 36%: Identifying a preinstruction to postinstruction factor model for the Force Concept Inventory within a multitrait item response theory framework
- 35%: Rasch model based analysis of the Force Concept Inventory
- 34%: Model analysis: Representing and assessing the dynamics of student learning
- 34%: Item response theory evaluation of the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory national data set
- 34%: Network analysis approach to Likert-style surveys
- 33%: Using the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory to Investigate College students' Pre-instructional Mental Models of Lunar Phases
- 33%: Replication of a path analysis model of secondary physics enrollments: 20 years later
- 33%: Item response theory analysis of the mechanics baseline test
- 32%: Conceptual astronomy: A novel model for teaching postsecondary science courses
- 32%: Evaluation of high school Cambodian students’ comprehension of the projectile trajectory using the model analysis technique
- 31%: Toward a modeling theory of physics instruction
- 30%: Learning Statistical Analysis of Measurement Errors
- 30%: Examining consistency of student errors in vector operations using module analysis
- 30%: Motivations for using the item response theory nominal response model to rank responses to multiple-choice items
- 29%: Student ideas about the moon and its phases and the impact of a real 3D model of the Sun/Earth/Moon system in an introductory astronomy laboratory course
- 29%: Modernizing use of regression models in physics education research: A review of hierarchical linear modeling