Materials Similar to Conceptual Change in Introductory-Level Astronomy Courses
- 52%: Conceptual astronomy: A novel model for teaching postsecondary science courses
- 51%: Student ideas about the moon and its phases and the impact of a real 3D model of the Sun/Earth/Moon system in an introductory astronomy laboratory course
- 49%: A study of change in students' conceptual frameworks in astronomy
- 49%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 49%: What changes in conceptual change?
- 49%: Is Conceptual Understanding Compromised By A Problem- Solving Emphasis In An Introductory Physics Course?
- 48%: Promoting conceptual change using collaborative groups in quantitative gateway courses
- 48%: Attitudes about science and conceptual physics learning in university introductory physics courses
- 48%: The Impact of Course Structure on eText Use in Large-Lecture Introductory-Physics Courses
- 46%: The Need for a Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory for Assessing Innovations in Introductory Astronomy Survey Courses
- 46%: Using a parachute course to retain students in introductory physics courses
- 44%: Supporting learning and promoting conceptual change with box and AVOW diagrams. Part 2: Their impact on student learning at A-Level
- 41%: Follow-up study of a PSI astronomy course
- 41%: Conceptual astronomy II. Replicating conceptual gains, probing attitude changes across three semesters
- 41%: Difficulties Understanding the Explicative Model of Simple DC Circuits in Introductory Physics Courses
- 41%: A revision of a traditional astronomy course through active learning
- 38%: Research on a Lecture-Tutorial Approach to Teaching Introductory Astronomy for Non–Science Majors