Materials Similar to New Models of Physics Instruction Based on Physics Education Research
- 60%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part I
- 60%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part II
- 59%: Millikan lecture 1996: Promoting active learning based on physics education research in introductory physics courses
- 57%: Measuring Model-Based High School Science Instruction: Development and Application of a Student Survey
- 53%: Research and Computer-Based Instruction: Opportunity for Interaction
- 52%: Education research using web-based assessment systems
- 52%: Helping Preservice Teachers Implement and Assess Research-based Instruction in K-12 Classrooms
- 52%: Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering
- 51%: A theoretical framework for physics education research: Modeling student thinking
- 51%: Assessment to complement research-based instruction in upper-level physics courses
- 51%: Design-based research project to develop a science and engineering education program linking field trip experiences to classroom experiences.
- 51%: Graduate programs in physics education research: A USA based survey
- 49%: Evaluating a model of research-based practices for teacher preparation in a physics department: Colorado PhysTEC
- 47%: A comparison between traditional and “modeling” approaches to undergraduate physics instruction at two universities with implications for improving physics teacher preparation.
- 45%: Modeling instruction in mechanics
- 45%: The Role of Models in Physics Instruction