Materials Similar to Teaching Physics with the Physics Suite
- 59%: Teaching Introductory Physics
- 54%: The Art (and Science) of In-Class Questioning via Clickers (Learning About Teaching Physics podcast)
- 53%: Displacement, velocity, and frames of reference: Students' understanding and some implications for teaching and assessment
- 53%: Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching
- 53%: Transforming common-sense beliefs into Newtonian thinking through Just-In-Time Teaching
- 53%: Secondary analysis of teaching methods in introductory physics: A 50 k-student study
- 51%: The utilization of fiction when teaching the theory of relativity
- 49%: McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers
- 49%: Peer Instruction Problems: Introduction to the Method
- 47%: The Learning Cycle Model for Teaching a Science Lesson
- 47%: Effectiveness of different tutorial recitation teaching methods and its implications for TA training
- 47%: Teaching Physics with Physlet®-Based Ranking Task Exercises
- 46%: Preparing Students to Learn from Lecture: Creating a “Time for Telling” (Learning About Teaching Physics podcast)
- 46%: Quicker method for assessing influences on teaching assistant buy-in and practices in reformed courses