Materials Similar to Context Map: A Method to Represent the Interactions Between Students' Learning and Multiple Context Factors
- 48%: Method for analyzing students' utilization of prior physics learning in new contexts
- 45%: Link maps and map meetings: Scaffolding student learning
- 44%: How students learn from multiple contexts and definitions: Proper time as a coordination class
- 43%: Relationship between students' conceptual knowledge and study strategies-part I: student learning in physics
- 39%: Student Interactions Leading to Learning and Transfer: A Participationist Perspective
- 38%: Investigating Student Communities with Network Analysis of Interactions in a Physics Learning Center
- 38%: Model analysis: Representing and assessing the dynamics of student learning
- 37%: What factors influence pedagogical methods in informal learning spaces?
- 36%: Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics
- 35%: The Use of Multiple Representations and Visualizations in Student Learning of Introductory Physics: An Example from Work and Energy
- 35%: Comparing Student Learning with Multiple Research-Based Conceptual Surveys: CSEM and BEMA
- 35%: No Single Cause: Learning Gains, Student Attitudes, and the Impacts of Multiple Effective Reforms
- 35%: Investigating student communities with network analysis of interactions in a physics learning center
- 35%: Preparing Students to Learn from Lecture: Creating a “Time for Telling” (Learning About Teaching Physics podcast)
- 35%: Students’ Conceptions About Rolling In Multiple Contexts
- 35%: Assessing Student Learning in Middle-Division Classical Mechanics/Math Methods
- 35%: Students as Co-creators: the Development of Student Learning Networks in PeerWise
- 35%: Investigating the Relationship between Active Learning Task Characteristics and Student Success
- 35%: Examining the relationship between student performance and video interactions