Materials Similar to Problem Solving Skill Evaluation Instrument — Validation Studies
- 58%: Development of a Survey Instrument to Gauge Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities
- 54%: Development of a problem solving evaluation instrument; Untangling of specific problem solving skills
- 52%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. II. Effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer
- 52%: Developing Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in Introductory Mechanics
- 51%: Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems
- 48%: Enhancing Cognitive Development through Physics Problem Solving: A Taxonomy of Introductory Physics Problems
- 47%: Computer problem-solving coaches for introductory physics: Design and usability studies
- 47%: Developing students' physics problem-solving skills
- 47%: Using qualitative problem-solving strategies to highlight the role of conceptual knowledge in solving problems
- 47%: Development and Validation of a Physics Problem-Solving Assessment Rubric
- 46%: Development of an Introductory Physics Problem-Solving Assessment Tool
- 45%: Interactive video tutorials for enhancing problem-solving, reasoning, and meta-cognitive skills of introductory physics students
- 44%: Pedagogy and/or technology: Making difference in improving students’ problem solving skills
- 43%: Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance
- 43%: Identifying Student Difficulty in Problem Solving Process via the Framework of the House Model (HM)
- 43%: Use Of Structure Maps To Facilitate Problem Solving In Algebra-Based Physics
- 43%: Using Reflection with Peers to Help Students Learn Effective Problem Solving Strategies
- 43%: Sustained Effects of Solving Conceptually-scaffolded Synthesis Problems