Materials Similar to Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance
- 62%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. II. Effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer
- 53%: Self-Diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer: A Tale of Two Problems
- 53%: Self-Diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer in a More Conventional Introductory Physics Problem
- 53%: Sustained Effects of Solving Conceptually-scaffolded Synthesis Problems
- 52%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. I. Performance on nonintuitive problem pair from introductory physics
- 52%: Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems
- 50%: The Effect of Students’ Learning Orientations on Performance in Problem Solving Pedagogical Implementations
- 49%: Effect of explicit problem solving instruction on high school students' problem-solving performance and conceptual understanding of physics
- 49%: Enhancing Cognitive Development through Physics Problem Solving: A Taxonomy of Introductory Physics Problems
- 48%: Strong preference among graduate student teaching assistants for problems that are broken into parts for their students overshadows development of self-reliance in problem-solving
- 47%: The effect of giving explicit incentives to correct mistakes on subsequent problem solving in quantum mechanics
- 47%: Using qualitative problem-solving strategies to highlight the role of conceptual knowledge in solving problems
- 44%: The effect of introducing computers into an introductory physics problem-solving laboratory
- 44%: Identifying Differences in Diagnostic Skills between Physics Students: Students' Self-Diagnostic Performance Given Alternative Scaffolding
- 44%: Teachers' Investigation of Students' Self-Perceptions Regarding Physics Learning and Problem-Solving
- 44%: Effect of peer-review on development of students' problem-solving abilities
- 43%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 43%: Identifying Student Difficulty in Problem Solving Process via the Framework of the House Model (HM)