Materials Similar to Examining Student Responses for Meaningful Understanding in the Context of Wavefront Aberrometry
- 41%: Investigating Students' Ideas about Wavefront Aberrometry
- 41%: Evidence of Intuitive and Formal Knowledge in Student Responses: Examples from the Context of Dynamics
- 40%: Indicators of Understanding: What TAs Listen for in Student Responses
- 39%: A Study of the Nature of Students' Models of Microscopic Processes in the Context of Modern Physics Experiments
- 39%: Upper-Level Physics Students’ Conceptions Of Understanding
- 39%: Effects of Training Examples on Student Understanding of Force and Motion
- 39%: Examining students' personal epistemology: the role of physics experiments and relation with theory
- 39%: Examining the productiveness of student resources in a problem-solving interview
- 38%: Examining the Effectiveness of Clickers on Promoting Learning by Tracking the Evolution of Student Responses
- 38%: Examining the Evolution of Student Ideas About Quantum Tunneling
- 38%: Students’ use of resources in understanding solar cells
- 37%: Examining the construction process: A study of changes in level 10 students' understanding of classical mechanics
- 37%: Further investigation of examining students understanding of Lenz's law and Faraday's law
- 37%: Students’ understanding of dot product as a projection in no-context, work and electric flux problems
- 37%: DC circuits: Context dependence of student responses
- 37%: Evolution in students’ understanding of thermal physics with increasing complexity
- 37%: Avoiding Reflex Responses: Strategies for Revealing Students' Conceptual Understanding in Biology
- 37%: Visualizing patterns in CSEM responses to assess student conceptual understanding
- 37%: Examining student understanding of matrix algebra and eigentheory