Materials Similar to Modeling Instruction in High School Physics
- 92%: Measuring Model-Based High School Science Instruction: Development and Application of a Student Survey
- 90%: A modeling method for high school physics instruction
- 64%: Transforming Teacher Knowledge: Modeling Instruction in Physics
- 62%: CLASS Shifts in Modeling Instruction
- 62%: Modeling instruction: Positive attitudinal shifts in introductory physics measured with CLASS
- 62%: Toward equity through participation in Modeling Instruction in introductory university physics
- 62%: "Implicit action": Understanding discourse management in modeling instruction
- 62%: Creating Opportunities to Influence Self-Efficacy through Modeling Instruction
- 62%: The impact of social integration on student persistence in introductory Modeling Instruction courses
- 60%: Effect of explicit problem solving instruction on high school students' problem-solving performance and conceptual understanding of physics
- 60%: Toward a modeling theory of physics instruction
- 60%: The Role of Models in Physics Instruction
- 59%: Positive Impacts of Modeling Instruction on Self-Efficacy
- 59%: A comparison between traditional and “modeling” approaches to undergraduate physics instruction at two universities with implications for improving physics teacher preparation.
- 58%: Modeling instruction in mechanics
- 58%: A Study of Peer Instruction Methods with High School Physics Students