Materials Similar to Talking to Learn Physics and Learning to Talk Physics
- 48%: Talking and learning physics: Predicting future grades from network measures and Force Concept Inventory pretest scores
- 48%: Describing and Facilitating Productive Teaching Talk in a Faculty Online Learning Community
- 46%: A framework for classifying opportunities to learn in Faculty Online Learning Communities: A preview with sample application
- 45%: Students' talk about rotational motion within and across contexts, and implications for future learning
- 45%: Investigative Science Learning Environment: Using the processes of science and cognitive strategies to learn physics
- 41%: Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics
- 41%: Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values
- 40%: Preparing Students to Learn from Lecture: Creating a “Time for Telling” (Learning About Teaching Physics podcast)
- 37%: Investigation of Student Learning in Thermodynamics and Implications for Instruction in Chemistry and Engineering
- 37%: Cognitive Science: Problem Solving And Learning For Physics Education
- 36%: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School - Expanded Edition
- 36%: Using conceptual metaphor and functional grammar to explore how language used in physics affects student learning
- 36%: The Role of Language in Learning Physics
- 36%: Students talk about energy in project-based inquiry science
- 35%: Physics students learning about abstract mathematical tools when engaging with “invisible” phenomena
- 35%: A case of successful learning about magnetism through the use of evidence
- 34%: Influence of text structure on learning counterintuitive physics concepts
- 33%: Cognition in Scientific and Everyday Domains: Comparison and Learning Implications
- 33%: How students learn from multiple contexts and definitions: Proper time as a coordination class