Materials Similar to Student Perceptions of Physics by Inquiry at Ohio State
- 61%: Student Perceptions of Three Different Physics by Inquiry Classes using the Laboratory Program Variables Inventory
- 54%: Voltage is the Most Difficult Subject for Students in Physics by Inquiry's Electric Circuits Module
- 52%: Assessing student learning of Newton's laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula
- 51%: Physics By Inquiry: Addressing Student Learning and Attitude
- 50%: Towards Understanding Classroom Culture: Students’ Perceptions of Tutorials
- 50%: Resource Letter RBAI-2: Research-based assessment instruments: Beyond physics topics
- 49%: Student Assessment Of Laboratory In Introductory Physics Courses: A Q-sort Approach
- 49%: Students' Cognitive Conflict and Conceptual Change in a Physics by Inquiry Class
- 48%: The initial knowledge state of the college physics students
- 47%: A New Tool for Measuring Student Behavioral Engagement in Large University Classes
- 47%: Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course
- 46%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 46%: A Research-Based Approach to Assessing Student Learning Issues in Upper-Division Electricity & Magnetism
- 46%: Visualizing patterns in CSEM responses to assess student conceptual understanding
- 46%: Resource Letter RBAI-1: Research-Based Assessment Instruments in Physics and Astronomy
- 45%: Inquiry experiences as a lecture supplement for preservice elementary teachers and general education students
- 45%: A Comparison of Student Understanding of Seasons Using Inquiry and Didactic Teaching Methods
- 44%: Student-generated content: Using PeerWise to enhance engagement and outcomes in introductory physics courses
- 44%: Effect of paper color on students' physics exam performances