Materials Similar to Transferring Transformations: Learning Gains, Student Attitudes, and the Impacts of Multiple Instructors in Large Lecture Courses
- 48%: No Single Cause: Learning Gains, Student Attitudes, and the Impacts of Multiple Effective Reforms
- 46%: The Impact of Course Structure on eText Use in Large-Lecture Introductory-Physics Courses
- 40%: Sustaining Change: Instructor Effects in Transformed Large Lecture Courses
- 38%: Initial impacts of the transformation of a large introductory lab course focused on developing experimental skills and expert epistemology
- 38%: Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course
- 37%: Student Learning In Upper-Level Thermal Physics: Comparisons And Contrasts With Students In Introductory Courses
- 37%: Longer term impacts of transformed courses on student conceptual understanding of E&M
- 36%: The Impact of the History of Physics on Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding of Physics
- 36%: Sensitivity of Learning Gains on the Force Concept Inventory to Students’ Individual Epistemological Changes
- 36%: Gain in learning the force concept and change in attitudes toward Physics in students of the Tonala High School
- 35%: Student Epistemologies in Project-based Learning Courses
- 34%: Attitudes of Undergraduate General Science Students Toward Learning Science and the Nature of Science
- 34%: Comparing large lecture mechanics curricula using the Force Concept Inventory: A five thousand student study
- 34%: Comparing Student Learning with Multiple Research-Based Conceptual Surveys: CSEM and BEMA
- 34%: The impact of problem-based learning on engineering students’ beliefs about physics and conceptual understanding of energy and momentum
- 33%: Reforming a large lecture modern physics course for engineering majors using a PER-based design
- 33%: What Factors Really Influence Shifts in Students' Attitudes and Expectations in an Introductory Physics Course?
- 33%: Attitudes about science and conceptual physics learning in university introductory physics courses
- 33%: Development and Evaluation of a Large-Enrollment, Active-Learning Physics Curriculum