Materials Similar to Voltage is the Most Difficult Subject for Students in Physics by Inquiry's Electric Circuits Module
- 43%: Teaching Electric Circuit Concepts Using Microcomputer-Based Current/Voltage Probes
- 42%: Student's understanding of voltage in simple parallel electric circuits
- 42%: Students' understanding of voltage in simple series electric circuits
- 42%: Conceptual Understanding of Resistive Electric Circuits Among First-year Engineering Students
- 41%: Student Perceptions of Three Different Physics by Inquiry Classes using the Laboratory Program Variables Inventory
- 39%: Assessing student learning of Newton's laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula
- 38%: Macroscopic phenomena and microscopic processes: Student understanding of transients in direct current electric circuits
- 38%: Inquiry experiences as a lecture supplement for preservice elementary teachers and general education students
- 38%: Physics By Inquiry: Addressing Student Learning and Attitude
- 38%: Student Perceptions of Physics by Inquiry at Ohio State
- 37%: Potential difference and current in simple electric circuits: A study of student’s concepts
- 37%: A Comparison of Student Understanding of Seasons Using Inquiry and Didactic Teaching Methods
- 36%: Students' understanding of direct current resistive electrical circuits
- 36%: Comparing problem solving performance of physics students in inquiry-based and traditional introductory physics courses
- 36%: Examining students' understanding of electrical circuits through multiple-choice testing and interviews
- 35%: Student Inquiry in a Physics Class Discussion
- 35%: Inquiry, Modeling, and Metacognition: Making Science Accessible to All Students
- 35%: Fifth graders' science inquiry abilities: A comparative study of students in hands-on and textbook curricula
- 35%: Student-Generated Scientific Inquiry for Elementary Education Undergraduates: Course Development, Outcomes and Implications