Materials Similar to Research-based Practices For Effective Clicker Use
- 61%: Concept-based problem solving: Combining educational research results and practical experience to create a framework for learning physics and to derive effective classroom practices
- 52%: Evaluating a model of research-based practices for teacher preparation in a physics department: Colorado PhysTEC
- 52%: Helping Preservice Teachers Implement and Assess Research-based Instruction in K-12 Classrooms
- 49%: The Art (and Science) of In-Class Questioning via Clickers (Learning About Teaching Physics podcast)
- 46%: Learning to Think Like a Physicist: A Review of Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- 45%: Towards research-based strategies for using PhET simulations in middle school physical science classes
- 42%: Beyond the Individual Instructor: Systemic Constraints in the Implementation of Research-Informed Practices
- 41%: Comparing Educational Tools Using Activity Theory: Clickers and Flashcards
- 40%: Research and Computer-Based Instruction: Opportunity for Interaction
- 40%: Design and evaluation of a research-based teaching sequence: The superposition of electric field
- 40%: Examining the Effectiveness of Clickers on Promoting Learning by Tracking the Evolution of Student Responses
- 40%: How much have students learned? Research-based teaching on electrical capacitance
- 40%: Efficacy of “A-La-Carte” Research-Based Curricular Elements
- 40%: Technology and research-based strategies: Learning and alternative conceptions
- 39%: Education research using web-based assessment systems
- 39%: Experiences of new faculty implementing research-based instructional strategies
- 39%: Museum-based physics education research through research-practice partnerships (RPPs)