Materials Similar to Comparing Student Use of Mathematical and Physical Vector Representations
- 56%: Student difficulties with quantum states while translating state vectors in Dirac notation to wave functions in position and momentum representations
- 54%: Algebra-Based Students and Vector Representations: Arrow vs. ijk
- 53%: Algebra-Based Students & Vectors: Assessing Physical Understanding in Arrow vs ijk
- 47%: Student Understanding of Cross Product Direction and Use of Right-Hand Rules: An Exploration of Representation and Context-Dependence
- 46%: Students' difficulties with unit vectors and scalar multiplication of a vector
- 46%: Testing Students’ Understanding of Vector Concepts
- 46%: Student difficulties in translating between mathematical and graphical representations in introductory physics
- 45%: Comparing students' performance on research-based conceptual assessments and traditional classroom assessments
- 45%: Test of understanding of vectors: A reliable multiple-choice vector concept test
- 44%: Comparing Student Learning with Multiple Research-Based Conceptual Surveys: CSEM and BEMA
- 44%: Assessing students' ability to solve introductory physics problems using integrals in symbolic and graphical representations
- 43%: The Use of Multiple Representations and Visualizations in Student Learning of Introductory Physics: An Example from Work and Energy
- 43%: Students' Difficulties in Interpreting the Torque Vector in a Physical Situation
- 43%: Algebra-Based Students & Vectors: Can ijk Coaching Improve Arrow Subtraction?
- 42%: Student Epistemology About Mathematical Integration In A Physics Context: A Case Study
- 42%: Network Analysis of Students' Representation Use in Problem Solving
- 41%: Comparing large lecture mechanics curricula using the Force Concept Inventory: A five thousand student study
- 40%: Students’ Responses to Different Representations of a Vector Addition Question
- 40%: Comparing the development of students' conceptions of pulleys using physical and virtual manipulatives