Materials Similar to What do Seniors Remember from Freshman Physics?
- 95%: What do Seniors Remember from Freshman Physics?
- 51%: The long-term effects of learning in an ISLE approach classroom
- 47%: Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course
- 43%: Multiple roles of assessment in upper-division physics course reforms
- 43%: A longitudinal study of the development of attitudes and beliefs towards physics
- 43%: A comparative study of middle school and high school students’ views about physics and learning physics
- 43%: Improvement or selection? A longitudinal analysis of students’ views about experimental physics in their lab courses
- 42%: How attitudes and beliefs about physics change from high school to faculty
- 42%: Extending positive CLASS results across multiple instructors and multiple classes of Modeling Instruction
- 42%: Making of epistemologically sophisticated physics teachers: A cross-sequential study of epistemological progression from preservice to in-service teachers
- 42%: Motivational characteristics of underrepresented ethnic and racial minority students in introductory physics courses
- 42%: Examining students’ perceptions of innovation and entrepreneurship in physics
- 42%: Investigation of male and female students’ motivational characteristics throughout an introductory physics course sequence
- 42%: Context of authority may affect students’ evaluations of measurement
- 41%: What happens between pre- and post-tests: Multiple measurements of student understanding during an introductory physics course
- 40%: Who Becomes a Physics Major? A Long-term Longitudinal Study Examining the Roles of Pre-college Beliefs about Physics and Learning Physics, Interest, and Academic Achievement
- 38%: Interpretation in Quantum Physics as Hidden Curriculum
- 38%: Development of a General Undergraduate Estimation Skills Survey (GUESS)
- 38%: Sensitivity of Learning Gains on the Force Concept Inventory to Students’ Individual Epistemological Changes