Materials Similar to Can Computer Simulations Replace Real Equipment in Undergraduate Laboratories?
- 68%: When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment
- 50%: Use of a computer simulation to develop mental simulations for understanding relative motion concepts
- 44%: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Computer Simulation in Conjunction with Tutorials in Introductory Physics in Undergraduate Physics Recitations
- 44%: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Computer Simulation in Introductory Undergraduate Environments
- 42%: The effects of an interactive computer-based simulation prior to performing a laboratory inquiry-based experiment on students' conceptual understanding of physics
- 41%: Student Choices when Learning with Computer Simulations
- 41%: Tools for scientific thinking-microcomputer-based laboratories for physics teaching
- 40%: Computer Simulations in Physics Teaching and Learning: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of Trajectory Motion
- 38%: Virtual reality in introductory physics laboratories
- 37%: Making Waves: A Simulation and Modeling Computer-Tool for Studying Wave Phenomena
- 35%: The effect of introducing computers into an introductory physics problem-solving laboratory
- 35%: Observing Students' Use of Computer-based Tools During Collision Experiments
- 32%: The appropriate use of microcomputers in undergraduate physics labs
- 32%: Use of the computer for research on instruction and student understanding in physics
- 32%: Assessing the impact of a computer simulation in conjunction with Tutorials in Introductory Physics on conceptual understanding
- 32%: Affordances and constraints of computers in science education
- 32%: Learning Motion Concepts Using Real-time Microcomputer-based Laboratory Tools