Materials Similar to Approaches to data analysis of multiple-choice questions
- 50%: The Effect of Question Order on Responses to Multiple-choice Questions
- 49%: Exploratory factor analysis of a Force Concept Inventory data set
- 42%: Item response theory analysis of the mechanics baseline test
- 40%: An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests
- 40%: Multiple-choice Assessment for Upper-division Electricity and Magnetism
- 40%: Assessing the assessment: Mutual information between response choices and factor scores
- 37%: Understanding Data Analysis from Multiple Viewpoints: An Example from Quantum Tunneling
- 36%: Can multiple-choice questions simulate free-response questions?
- 36%: Exploratory factor analysis of the QMCA
- 35%: A validity study of the multiple-choice component of the Advanced Placement Physics C examination
- 35%: Performance on multiple-choice diagnostics and complementary exam problems
- 35%: A Web-based Tool For The Analysis Of Concept Inventory Data
- 35%: Rasch model based analysis of the Force Concept Inventory
- 35%: Finding meaningful search features for automated analysis of short responses to conceptual questions
- 35%: Multiple-choice test of energy and momentum concepts
- 35%: Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism: Analysis of the items and recommendations for improvement
- 35%: Multiple-Response Assessment for Upper-division Electrodynamics
- 34%: Time-Series Analysis: Assessing the Effects of Multiple Educational Interventions in a Small-Enrollment Course
- 34%: Telling new stories by reanalyzing old data: FMCE edition