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Abstract Title: Diagnosing Student Conceptions with a Cross Paradigm Method
Abstract: Identification of student conceptions is one of the main topics for both qualitative and quantitative paradigms in physics and science education research. There are invaluable studies in literature based on both of these paradigms, and all provide us with important information about how students conceptualize nature. However, both paradigms have advantages as well as limitations compared to one another. In this study, a need for a cross paradigm to diagnose student conceptions will be discussed, and an example of a cross paradigm method to diagnose conceptions will be proposed.
Abstract Type: Cancelled Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Derya Kaltakci
Physics Education Group, Department of Physics Box:351560
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 2065432997
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ali Eryilmaz
Assistant Professor
eryilmaz -at- metu.edu.tr