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Abstract Title: Introductory Physics Gender Gaps: Pre- and Post-Studio Transition
Abstract: Like many science and engineering programs, the Colorado School of Mines physics department is interested in improving its gender balance.  In this poster, we present preliminary results from our studies of the gender-based performance gaps that exist in our introductory physics population.  We analyze eight semesters of data from the second-semester calculus-based course, Introduction to Electromagnetism.  Four semesters came from a semi-traditional classroom environment, and four semesters followed a transition to a hybrid Studio physics model (total N = 2577).  Our data include CSEM results, DFW rates, course grades, and background information such as ACT scores.  As has been found in other environments, gender gaps exist but are reduced as we implement research-based course reforms, with the most persistent gaps residing in the CSEM normalized gains.  We also find striking semester-to-semester variations in all measures, despite the same instructors handling the courses for much of the study period.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Patrick Kohl
Colorado School of Mines
Department of Physics
1523 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-384-2303
and Co-Presenter(s)
H. Vincent Kuo (same affiliation and address)
hkuo -at- mines.edu