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Abstract Title: Quiz Corrections: Improving Learning by Encouraging Students to Reflect on Their Mistakes
Abstract: Most introductory physics instructors are disheartened that students typically view tests and quizzes as summative evaluations and, therefore, miss the tremendous opportunity to learn from their mistakes. One way to address this problem is for the instructor to assign and collect written student assessment corrections.  We have experimented with methods for dealing with this sort of assessment correction that require minimal instructor time. In this poster we i) provide some theoretical arguments supporting this practice, ii) describe several variations of assessment corrections that we have used, and iii) provide some data related to its effectiveness.
Abstract Type: Targeted Poster
Targeted Session: Negotiating Meaning: The Role of Assessment Rubrics and Diagnostic Guidelines

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Charles Henderson
Western Michigan University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Kathleen A. Harper, Denison University