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PERC 2009 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Assessment of Student Problem Solving Processes
Abstract: At Minnesota we have been developing a rubric to evaluate students' written solutions to physics problems that is easy to use and reasonably valid and reliable. The rubric identifies five general problem-solving processes and defines the criteria to attain a score in each (useful description, physics approach, application of physics, math procedures, and logical progression). An important test of the instrument is to check whether these categories represent the actual processes students engage in during problem solving. We will report an analysis of problem-solving interviews conducted with students enrolled in an introductory physics course and discuss the implications of these results for the rubric.
Abstract Type: Targeted Poster
Targeted Session: Negotiating Meaning: The Role of Assessment Rubrics and Diagnostic Guidelines
Contributed Poster: Download the Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jennifer Docktor
University of Minnesota
145 Tate Laboratory of Physics
116 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-9323
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ken Heller, University of Minnesota, 612-624-7314