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Abstract Title: Conceptually Scaffolded Problem Solving
Abstract: Conceptual learning has long been a primary component of introductory physics education. However, educators agree that problem solving is equally important. Building on our conceptually-based clicker methodology, we conducted pilot studies to seek possible ways of promoting student problem solving skills through guided conceptual scaffolding. We created several question sequences, each consisting of two relevant conceptual questions plus one quantitative problem. Both questions and the problem synthesized concepts widely separated in the textbook. Synthesizing concepts is particularly difficult for students, and generally is not required for solving end-of-chapter problems. Participating students were divided into three groups: the first answered the conceptual questions before being asked to solve the problem.  The second received cueing on underlying concepts before attempting the problem.  The third was simply asked to solve the problem. Small-scale interviews and a large-scale written test were conducted. We report pilot results and discuss future work.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Lin Ding
Department of Physics, The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
and Co-Presenter(s)
Neville Reay
Albert Lee
Lei Bao